Breast milk jewelry

Breast milk jewelry holds a special place as a cherished memento, symbolizing the dedication and love that mothers pour into breastfeeding. These distinctive treasures honor the enduring emotional connection that is truly irreplaceable. At Milk Stone, we are passionate about crafting custom pieces that embody this sentiment, showcasing the remarkable variations in breast milk composition from one mother to another. Through our meticulous process, we highlight how even the subtlest differences result in utterly unique stones, tailored for mothers worldwide. Our handcrafted breast milk jewelry blends significance and elegance to mirror the profound bond shared by every breastfeeding mother and her child. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, each piece serves as a timeless emblem of unwavering love and commitment.

How it Works

Choose your piece
All you need to do is choose just the right piece—one that reflects your personal style and the bond that you share with your baby—and we’ll take care of the rest!
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Ship Your Milk + Inclusions
Package up your breastmilk and any inclusions (if you are using them), take them to the post office, and ship them to us. Once we receive them, the magic happens!
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Treasure Your Piece
Your beautiful jewelry will be shipped to you and you can have a keepsake that preserves the celebration of the lasting bond between you and your child. Cherish your beautiful breast milk jewelry and wear it with love, with pride, and with joy.

Sending Your Inclusions

Sending breastmilk

Please send 15ml or half an ounce.  Only use milk storage bags. These ensure that the milk won’t mold or leak during transit. If the milk is coming  from the freezer please thaw it out before sending. Any and all milk can be used so long as it’s not moldy before sending.  It can be milk that is very old and non-edible, or milk that’s been spilled or been sitting out on the counter too long, or can be freshly pumped milk!

  1. Put 15ml into a milk storage bag and make sure it is sealed properly.
  2. Take that bag and place it in another milk storage bag.
  3. Take that bag and place it in yet another milk storage bag to ensure no milk will leak out.
  4. Label the third exterior milk bag with your full name and order number. Please do not label the interior bags.  In case the milk leaks through the first and second bag the ink won't leach into the milk.
  5. If you are sending any other inclusions with your milk they need to be in a separate bag that is also labeled with your name and order number.
  6. This can be sent in a normal letter envelope or small bubble wrapper. No need to send in an extravagant package.

Sending Hair

  1. Please send a thick lock of hair, whatever you feel comfortable parting with. 
  2. Take the lock of hair and tie a string around it.  
  3. Wrap that in a little piece of tissue and put that in a ziplock bag.
  4. Label with your name and order number
  5. The only inclusions that will be sent back with your order are ashes. Everything else if  left over will be saved and stored in case you want more pieces in the future.

Sending Flowers

  1. Please ensure that your flowers are fully dried before sending to prevent mold.
  2. To dry your flowers please place them flat sandwiched between two paper towels and place them under or inside of a book.  You can also dry your flowers in silica if you have that on hand. You can order flower drying silica on amazon. It’s a bit more expensive to do it this way.  A third option is letting the flowers dry upside down in the sunshine.  I find this technique doesn’t preserve the flower's color the best but it still works.  Most flowers over time will fade slightly even though they will be preserved in uv resin. The fading is minimal but still might happen.
  3. Please send at least one petal of each flower that you want preserved. We have some birth month flowers available which you can choose while checking out or you can send in your special flowers for us to work with. Sandwich your petals in between paper towels and place in a ziplock bag that is labeled with your name and order number on the outside of the bag.  If sending with breastmilk make sure these inclusions are separated in different bags.   In the event that the milk leaks then it  won’t ruin your other inclusions.
  4. Please do not send the last of your inclusions in the rare case that a package is lost.  The only inclusions that will be sent back with your order are ashes. Everything else if left over will be saved and stored in case you want more pieces in the future.

Sending Ashes, Soil, Sand or formula

  1. Please send at least 1 tablespoon in a ziplock baggie.
  2. Please label the outside of your baggie with your name and order number.
  3. Please do not send the last of your inclusions in the rare case that a package is lost.  The only inclusions that will be sent back with your order are ashes. Everything else that is left over will be saved and stored in case you want more pieces in the future.

Sending Placenta

  1. If using a capsule please provide one or two.
  2. If not already encapsulated please ensure the placenta is fully dried by using a dehydrator or oven.  Once completely dry please crush before sending.
  3. Please do not send the last of your inclusions in the rare case that a package is lost.  The only inclusions that will be sent back with your order are ashes. Everything else if  left over will be saved and stored in case you want more pieces in the future.

Sending Umbilical Cord Stump

  1. Please cut a little piece off of the umbilical stump.  Ensure that it is completely dried before sending.
  2. Cut into small pieces and place in a ziplock bag.
  3. Please do not send the last of your inclusions in the rare case that a package is lost.  The only inclusions that will be sent back with your order are ashes. Everything else that is left over will be saved and stored in case you want more pieces in the future.